Activity Thought

vaksin ..

Ini  fakta dan kita seluruh dunia tertipu industri farmasi, agenda globalist. Insha Allah tak ku ijinkan anak-anak kami di injeksi vaksin ini kedepan. Cukup imun dan DNA kami orangtua anak-anak yang di acak oleh metode medis dan injeksi vaksin tak bertanggung jawab.

Biar Allah jadi pelindung kami atas nasib dan rejeki yang telah tertulis di Lauhulmahfuz.

Myself would like to comment a lil, I’ve seen and heard vaccine treatment aim to be modest and made those infected with mild effect despite risk of death if unvaccinated.

They inject (infect) us on statement of Emergency Order use. A modified RNA vaccine, that does not guarantee, not just modified specific alien within our body and DNA. But in fact it weakan our immune system at most.

It gullable for those few, in point that human has always be the target of medical experiment from the day medical treatment invented since 1800 until this minute!

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