Hohoho, just great !! Since the plane touch down yesterday in these bustling city, i’ve received 3 “prizes” until these minute, is that a luck or just amazing huh ?!@
1. There’s a package at home from FM (a thick one), confirming me as lucky subcriber who won squawk box contest i recently join.
2. Gifts (another thick one) of being part of 50 lucky blogger who filled given questionnaire previously by BC
What’s the third then ?! Another addition of registered buddy whom i’ll manage its account from now on, gifted me ?! sure, haha *gak penting*. Praise the Lord, Alhamdulillah
Ooo shoot, i almost forgot to tell 1 of my home network bandwidth gone up 3x normal speed. Heran koq mereka upgrade bandwidth q dgn “gak sopan” pdhl q gak minta, tp seneng donk .. haha. But we’ll see jangan2 mereka cm lagi routing jaringan aj, dan balik ke bandwidth normal ntr. Hmmpf, tau ah
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! *testing*
asiik..bisa komen lagi..hihi.. tanpa cemas eror 😀
selamat yaaaa..enak banget dapet prizes.. makan2nnya mana ni? *clingak clinguk nyari makanan
selamat selamat 😀
@elmo: yup sori, wkt itu sptnya ad yg error deh am WP dudul ini .. ckck
@annmoly: hehe, arogatou