1st weekend of the month ended up hectic !! I was in Tangerang that friday, when i got home in the afternoon got the hub surrounded by flood .. yes last major flood in Jakarta which made the int’l airport in cengkareng shutted down !!
Flood around the hub is moderate unlike what i heard on radio or tv. But it nearly sunk most networking peripheral in the house, thank God I’ve managed to dry it all out, and had to buy new one (several stuff) to exchange the malfunctioned.
Thanks to IM3 and its 3G network, I’m still able to correspondent with friend and colleague via mobile. Thus it’s not as comfy as using the laptop i used to, but it worthed.
While then me and few colleague still discuss about future forum deployment.
bUzz: tweet update dr Enda mengenai multiple submission untuk short text ke twitter, jaiku, facebook. and an interesting review “latest cool gadget” (which i love to have them all in my pocket) .. haha, take a peek here !!