– US mortgage flaws (as i read analyst madness on CNBC now). FED today inject 3x (total $38 billion) include latest addition $3 billion made it up. Its largest injection in a day since September 2001 to kept the market liquidity solvent. Will the FED make a cut on “rates” ?!
Untuk lokal, “if there ..” hati2 dengan kredit pemilikan rumah dgn DP 0%, mungkin dalam volume .. transaksi seperti ini terbatas, namun selain kredit rumah juga perlu perhatikan pada resiko kredit konsumsi lain spt “kartu kredit” dgn tipikal orang kita yg suka “ngutang”. Cukup sudah 10 tahun lalu qt kena getah BLBI, jangan sampai masalah kredit sektor lain jadi ancaman perekonomian lg deh.
I’m not quite sure whether is it fortunate for us Indonesian to had a capital market which utilize mostly on share likes stock, debt (i.e: sun, obligation), forex or it mixed “mutual fund”. I don’t know is it fortunate or else; most creditor not to lend easily on people who had insufficient fund record, well i think their does abide the law and its faulty prospect.
– Its Indonesia IRS chief word of wisdom ?@. Anyway, i have seen lately the ads on TV, not bad for a well paid commercial, but what these remark “.. hari gini gak punya NPWP?” offers for most 200 million people of this country!! Then he spoke rotation, new program, benchmark .. but does conceptual matter most?! I’m aware 25 out of 31 IRS district perform miserably (and now they chase new payer like villain). Don’t care whether they’re poor wages people or just own a small shop nearby. If IRS or Finance Ministry cannot assure fellow citizen that collected money goes for good of the masses (education, infrastructure, etc.), they better keep their “buzzo” shut .. over people complains!!
“.. and what in the he** centralize everything all in java “packed” island!! we have borneo, mollucas and papua who need more attention and some other small island surrounding it.”
bUzz: be cautious my fellow friend whom work in BP*, DEPKE* and BI. ur times are numbered, ur wealth are ur countdown on ur willingness (the more u get, the less chance u had to improve). keep it balance okay !!