Economy Thought

fuel card ..

Yup, another breakthrough by our government to introduce newest stuff to control excess use of energy reserve around the country. Its called fuel smart card, which soon be release in May 2008.

I don’t know is it coincidence or what, similar to our government policy, Iranian had it test implemented last year (i think). Imagine, Iran 1 of the world largest oil producer and Indonesia 1 of the lowest oil producer having almost the same fuel control policy.

Indonesia : ” Dalam tiga bulan ke depan, pemerintah rencananya akan menerapkan pembatasan BBM untuk mobil pribadi. Masyarakat yang memiliki mobil dengan CC di bawah 2.000 harus segera mengantongi smart card agar bisa membeli BBM bersubsdi yang harganya lebih murah.” (excerpt here)

Iran: ” The initial idea was to issue smart cards for about eight million cars in Iran, setting a daily ration of three liters for private cars and 15 to 20 litres for taxis at the current price of 11 cents. Anything above the ration quota was to be sold at 33 to 44 cents.” (excerpt here)

Both Iran and Indonesia are member of OPEC, but distinct in a matter of how much they produce. But they both have the same problem, excess import fuel for domestic consumption and needs to control the excess use of oil reserve.

bUzz: pesan buat pemerintah jangan kita rakyat dijejali harga naik lagi, beri tekanan pada BP Migas untuk katrol produksi rekanan KPS, jangan kita terus merugi dengan dalih cost recovery (read more IPW, Wiki or here).

3 thoughts on “fuel card ..”

  1. ga bgitu yakin ama smart card
    bensin dinaekin ajha jadi 20ribu perliter,,biar perang sekalian 😀

    pemerintah2 dan pembesar2 di indonesia ini koq payah semua ya… *heran

  2. bingung ah… mungkin karena salahsatu pemimpnnya pengusaha kali ya, jadi itung2annya kata tarif Pulsa HP aja, banyak syaraattnya..
    jangan2 ntar disetiap SPBU ada bacaan *syarat dan ketentuan berlaku… hiks

    masa jeep tua gw termasuk mobil mewah sih gara2 cc-nya >2000
    gara2 bensin naek ampun2an sekarang tuh jeep kebanyakan ngendok dirumah…. ga kuaat bensinnya, mo dijual aja dah…

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